Thresher Designs
Poetry and publications.
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Design Gallery I
Design Gallery II
Design Gallery III
Tattoo's and Flash art.
Sketeches & Doodles
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Poetry and publications.
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Many of the writtings are in prepublishing stages. For samples of work, just check in regularly at the site! There are always teasers here!

Poetry and the War that inspired it.

When the Devil comes:

Short Stories:

We do what we do:

A quick thought.

This way something wonderful comes, hath'it been my charm, my inspiration, my light in the dark, yet nay the woes of me be greater then yesterday. Fear not the temptation of the eye, fill the soul in your every enchanting dance and explore what gift had been bestwoed upon you on the day of your entry on to this small rock.

Thresher Designs * San Diego,Ca* US * 92102