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Saturday  May 08,2004
City College arts and poetry! in B-226

May 2004
San Diego City Community College Student art Gallery

Sep 07-Oct 07 2004
Claire de Lunes Coffee lounge & Art Gallery

2906 University ave, San Diego Ca

(619) 688-9845


Being a child of the ADD era, I constantly have new projects in process, so feel free to check in and see whats in the works!

Two new projects have recently been taken on.
The First one is a Top Secret and if I were to say more, I'd have to seal you shut!
To be done: June 2004
The second, Thanks to Mr Stephen Brunson, will be a collection of amazing oil paintings inspired by his incrediable under water photographs of local and not so local neighbors who live deep in the dark phatoms of our souls, and seas!
To be done:Spring 2004


My Most recent project had been a mural at San Diego Divers Supply in the point Loma area. I was commisoned to do a three panel painting of under water life off the coast of San Diego. Being a diver I had some idea of what lurked in our (10-15 feet visablity) waters.

The Painting took over 36 hours and was done in acrylic, and black marker. It was finsished with three to four coats of a clear wood lacker which brought out the vibrant colors!

I was pleased with this one so much, I am Starting a second painting of undersea life, based on the photos of a local photographer, Stephen Brunson.

Thresher Designs

Charity Ann S Grable
San Diego, Ca 92102

Studio: 619-795-9828


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