Here is a sample of my collection of tattoo flash I have designed for people over the years.
Navy SEAL trident.
Total Designs time :1.5 hrs Total Sling time : 3 hrs Tattoo done by : Adam at FSG
Total Designs time :1.5 hrs
Total Sling time : 3 hrs
Tattoo done by : Adam at FSG
"Shark Maiden" on Navy Anchor:
Total Deisgn time : 12 hrs Total sling time(to date) : 4.5 hrs Tatto done by : Adam FSG
Total Deisgn time : 12 hrs
Total sling time(to date) : 4.5 hrs
Tatto done by : Adam FSG
*Tattoo: FSG- Flesh Skin Graphics (Imperial Beach. San Diego, Ca)
All content Copy right thresher Designs 2003-2004