Thresher Designs
Logos and Art Links.
About the Artist
Design Gallery I
Design Gallery II
Design Gallery III
Tattoo's and Flash art.
Sketeches & Doodles
Recent Public projects
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Up and Coming Events
Poetry and publications.
Logos and Art Links.
Contact me

"I may not know art, but I know what I like..."

Personal designs and logos are also avaliable. I have done many comapny logos, including Designs for the navy, Electric Company and on line Web services.




Designs for copmanies can be arranged via email.

Other Local Artist

Here are just a few of the amazing artist that I know, some do photography, others use paint and pencil. Click on the links to take a closer look at more amazing talent. I won't be hurt if you get side tracked at their sites...because I get lost there all the time! Enjoy and spread your wings!

Tattoo Links to Shops in SD:

Local Artist links:

Sue Dawe is one of the most amazing people and artist I have ever met!

Danielle Downer, long time artist and friend.

These are the amazing pictures of Stephen Brunson, and underwater man armed with a camera!

Thresher Designs San Diego,Ca 92102