Thresher Designs
About the Artist
Design Gallery I
Design Gallery II
Design Gallery III
Tattoo's and Flash art.
Sketeches & Doodles
Recent Public projects
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Up and Coming Events
Poetry and publications.
Logos and Art Links.
Contact me


Aveo benevolus  ac affaberus admirator!
(Welcome friend, and art lover!)

If you've made it this far you are doing great! Welcome to my site and art work. Here you will find links to some of my favorite local artist and some of my own art. I want to welcome you and hope you enjoy your moments between the pages of my imagination and the creations that have come from it.

Enjoy the day, and seize the moment, a moment is all we have.

Up and Coming Events

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

You can e-mail us at:

Thresher Designs. San Diego, Ca 92102

Last updated on 8/14/2004, 2:37:04 PM